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Why work with us?

Cost efficiency scale

It's cost efficient

There are two kinds of customers - those who think they need a PM 24x7 and those who think they don't need a PM at all. The truth tends to be in the middle.

Pretty much everybody require a PM and almost no one utilizes PMs at full capacity.

That is, unless we'd be talking about enterprise-scale products but if you're reading this chances are, you are not there yet... 

So, why pay for a full-time PM and take up the headcount? 

Prodactix offers flexible engagement options, allowing you to receive expert PM/PO services as and when necessary, making it much more cost efficient.

It's a great value for money

Product managers with the right subject matter expertise are hard to find and expensive. Especially experienced ones and those able to take on VP/director roles. Startups often end up compromising on PM qualifications and taking those individuals they can afford and those willing to work in a small unknown company, newbies... 

Prodactix offers access to some of the most experienced PMs and POs out there.

We capitalize on our experience and while our experts don't come cheap,

they can usually do the work twice as fast and twice as good as your average PM.

We are equipped to handle your challenges with uncompromizing quality and speed.

It's ideal for auxiliary ad hoc projects

Throughout a product's lifecycle there are always odd tasks that fall outside of your core area of expertise. Ramping up may take you ages, and taking your PMs away from the core product may do more damage than good. Classic examples include things like privacy compliance, migrations, ad hoc studies and audits.

Prodactix is the ideal on-demand resource for such cases. Tap into our diverse pool of experts that can assist or lead the initiatives that fall outside of your core business domain.

Our Contacts

Tel Aviv, Israel

+972 54-686-0037

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